Elder Albert C. Hudson
        Ordained: September-2015

       Member of: Victory Harvest
            Church of God In Christ
         619 North Railroad Ave.            
            Santa Maria, CA  93454

          Web Site Administrator 
              Office: 805-346-6237
                 Cell: 805-268-1011
           * (Facebook) Messages

Greetings; and Grace to you, and peace from God
our Father, and from the Lord Jesus Christ. 
Blessed be to God and Father of our Lord Jesus 
Christ, who hath blessed us with all spiritual bless-
ings in heavenly places in Christ. According as he 
hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the 
world, that we should be holy and without blame  
before him in love. Having predestinated us unto
the adoption of children by Jesus Christ to himself,
according to the good pleasure of his will....

From the Administrator's Desk
Hello my fellow Ministers of God! Due to the fact that   I have always been gravely concerned about a major lack in communication amongst our Brothers and Sisters in the Ministry on matters concerning the works in God's Vineyard.

I have decided to seek a solution to the dilemma by designing a Internet Blog and Web Site. This medium maybe utilized in several ways, such as a Networking Resource Tool, of which it can be used to help coordinate assorted church activities, disseminate News and Events and Christian Educational Materials. In addition; the site maybe used as a forum for Christian Business Promotional Advertisements Opportunities,   

I pray that this useful Internet Tool helps us to con-
duct God's business in a orderly fashion, as Paul 
the Apostle teaches us in the Book of (1-Corin-
thians 14:33). "For God is not the author of con-
fusion, but of peace, as in all Churches of the saints".  

I solicit your generous support and cooperation!!

May the Good Lord continue to bless your every Christian endeavors!!                                         

Minister Albert Calvin Hudson....{ Site Administrator}  

Thank God for the Victory Prayer
Father, I want to thank you for your loving kindness
and faithfulness to me. You have always been my strong tower.  You are a shield for me, my glory, and the one who lifts up my head (Psalm 3:3).

You have heard all of my petitions. You have seen my tears, and you have answered me according to your divine purpose.  I stand in awe of your great power.

Thank You, Father, for never reneging on your word.
It has been my anchor in the midst of every storm.  I am eternally grateful to your goodness and your wonderful works.  I exalt your name above every name on the earth.  

In the name of Jesus, I pray. Amen!.
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Church Financial Controls (Part-1)

by albert hudson on 08/25/14

Safeguarding funds protects the Church's ability to Minister!
The business component of the church, supports the ministry. Church ad-
ministrators must impose a strong set of financial controls to help keep
their church's finances and ministries efforts,secured from Theft or Fraud.
When parishioners put their money into the offering plate, they have a
reasonable expectation that it's going to ministry.  "Fraud is a violation of
that trust, and the ripple effect can be devastating".

(Sermon Series) Part-A

by albert hudson on 08/19/14

{Subject): Are You Drifting?  (Biblical Text:}: Hebrews 2:1-4)

The danger of drifting is not limited to the physical realm. The Book of
(Hebrews 2:1); teaches us these words: "Therefore we ought to give
the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any
time we should let them slip. Here we find a warning against drifting.
Sadly, it is not uncommon for Christians to drift toward destruction".

Things We Should Know About Drifting.

(A). Drifting requires no effort...
1. Just stop oaring or tracking against the wind, and a boater will begin
to drift. The same is true for the Christian, which is why we are told:
" We must give the more earnest heed... (Hebrews 2:1)..

(B).  It is an unconscious process...
1. It is possible to drift unaware.
(a). In a boat, the undercurrents are often unnoticeable from the surface.
In a airplane, the wind or gravitational forces move the plane without you
realizing it. The same is true in the Spiritual Realm. Many individual
Christians have slowly drifted away, also many churches have
gradually drifted into error, only one day to find themselves far
removed from the scriptures. 

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